"I'm the One who Sees through the Dreams...".
Hokuto, Kotori, and Kakyou
Kuzuki Kakyou



You were wondering already which was Kotori & Hokuto's true point in common?  Well, the man who lies in the floor up there is the key to your question...






He is Kuzuki Kakyou. A man who was born with the ability of Dreamwalking. Meaning, he can enter to the other people's dreams and minds and talk to them. He can also see the future, but (in his opinion), he's totally unable to change it.

Kakyou has been very frail since his early childhood, and it grew worse as years passed. That was when his ability to dreamwalk started to unfurl, so he could go "outside" and check on the other people's minds.


In one of those sessions, he found Hokuto. She told Kakyou that she was a member of an oumyouji clan (maybe that was the reason why she could meet him in her dreams), of Subaru, of her wishes and dreams. Hokuto also invited him to go "outside". Since then, they used to "talk" rather frequently... until the dreaded day that Kakyou "saw" in his foreseeing dreams, that Hokuto was killed by Seishirou.

After Hokuto's death, Kakyou's state worsened. His heart dead, since then he has physically slept, connected to a life-support system. Meanwhile he just dreamwalks, body in a comma, waiting for the Promised Day to come so that he can find again that "dear" person who was "completely removed" from the Earth...


He dreamt also of another beautiful girl. That girl was Kotori, the loved one of Shirou Kamui. By that point, she had gone insane by the awakening of her own dreamgazing powers (bringing her only visions of her own demise) and the death of Kamui's aunt Tokiko, in the same horrid way her mother Saya died: torn in pieces to give birth to one of the two Shinken (God's Swords). 

In one of her dreams, Kotori saw herself diving and getting lost in the Sea of Tears for denying herself. Her heart, in real time, was also starting to die (Kotori had a weak heart too). But Kakyou came to the rescue and made Kotori react, by talking to her about himself, his "loved person", his pain, and about "Kamui". When she finally reacted and came back in her senses, Kakyou saddened, and mused that the next time they saw each other... she'd pass away.

Kakyou was right. Soon after, Fuuma (Kotori's brother and Kamui's childhood friend) went mad, consumed by the Evil of the Dragon of the Earth, and killed Kotori impaling her with one of the Shinken. Kakyou was ready, so with his powers, he helped Kotori with the pain of her lethal wounds and took it upon himself by posessing her body. It is him who receives Kotori's last message to Kamui and Fuuma:

Tell Oniichan...... and Kamui-chan......

I love them......

and...... that the future...... is not determined yet...... 



So, we see that Kakyou has known both Hokuto and Kotori. One of them lightened up his life, the other gave him her very last love words. We only wonder, what will Kakyou do with such knowledge and experiences? Will it help him to regain his faith in the future? Or yet, it will only reassure his belief that no one can save our Earth?

I can only pray it's NOT this last one...




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