The Capriscious Road of First Love 

Part 1: You in my Life 

Let me concentrate my powers and try to see their future..., naaah, screw that! (Taichi: HI-KA-RIIIII!!).

So here we are, coming to one of the most important reasons why this page is here. How Koushiro, Mimi and Jyou generally interact, and if this can be later developed enough to make two of them fall in love.

Keep in mind that this is from what I've seen in the series, and mostly my own set of thoughts; you're free to agree or disagree and tell me why in a mail or a Gbook entry, but not to flame me for it. This is a free-speech online world, ain't that clear enough? * glares at the homophobics who reel back as the kids touch their digivices...*

The other warnings are the usuals: spoilers and yaoiness are at your order, so you enter here at your own risk, ladies and gentlemen!!

Sempai's in love with me and I feel fine!!! ^_________^

Actually, I could be talking about those two for hours!! *_* Mimi and Jyou are far my favourite non-yaoi couple in the Digimon series, a conclusion which I got after watching the whole Digimon Adventure season 1 again and again thanks to the re-runs from Fox Kids and ETC TV... 

You agree with me that, from the eight Digidestined, the less used to roughies and the outdoor activities are 10-year-old Mimi and 12-year-old Jyou. Jyou is the eldest of the children, sweet and mostly compliant, but also very hypocondriac, lousy and quite a flake in everything. By her part, Mimi is the pretty princess spoiled by her parents. Many viewers state that they started hating them both for their negative attitudes. 

However Jyou and Mimi, as the series advances, become very close friends. More than just standing next to each other in 90% of the team screenshots. ^________^ Mimi mostly used to tease her upperclassman whenever Sora, one of the other two girls in the series (the third is Taichi's kid sister Hikari), did, but there was a moment when, after many rough battles, she becomes tired of everything and tells her friends to go on without her; she'll stay put. Jyou notices how stressed Mimi is, and offers to take care of her. In this part, their friendship advances a deal: Mimi starts to look up at him, and Jyou's reliability finds a reason to keep on while helping and protecting her. 

Sincerely, I think those two can be a much more than nice couple. They look good together, and have a good back-up made with many hints and evidence all through the series. Jyou even nearly ADMITTED having a crush on Mimi! Check here... 

Gomamon: They've admitted it. Now you, Jyou! Mimi's charming, isn't she?
Jyou: Yes, she is... * HUGE BLUSH* No, no! I didn't mean it! She is! She isn't...! No, we're not talking about *THAT*!! Wah!

See? Even their Digimons can see it! *lol* The geek and the princess... Opposites attract, they say. And again, so do Taichi and Yamato... Just kidding! Or maybe not... :) 


Mimi, Izzy, there are no trees under which you can be K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

Another "opposite", though not overly popular, non-yaoi possibility (Tai/Sora first, later Jyou/Mimi, fairly followed by Hikari/Takeru and Mimi/Yamato...). Mimi and Koushiro are both 10-year-old and students from fourth grade, apparently classmates, who casually saw themselves also in the Digiworld as the Digidestined. 

As said, Mimi is bratty and spoiled. Meanwhile, Koushiro is quiet and reserved, hiding from people with his infamous PineAPPLE *lol* laptop. Ever since he discovered his family's secret (he's an adopted child), Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi distrusts people deeply and somewhat prefers machines than friends. Mimi, meanwhile, is outgoing and friendly, her naivete guiding her to trust everybody in sight. 

After Devimon's first strike, File Island (the place where the Digidestined arrived first) got desintegrated. Mimi and Palmon came to a temple, where Izzy and his digimon Temtomon were trying to decypher some signals. Mimi tried to call up Koushiro's attention, and at her failure, she was very upset and ran into the temple's laberynths. She and Tentomon got lost; it made Koushiro react, so that he did his best to calm Mimi, talking to her though their Digivices, and guide her back to their original place so that she could reunite with him and Palmon. While at it, they were attacked by the guardian Centaurumon (under the influence of the Black Gears) , but they defeated him with Kabuterimon and Togemon to make him go back in his senses. 

We don't see really SO much of Mimi and Koushiro interacting after the Centaurumon incident. Mimi lands on top of Izzy as she falls of Whamon's back, he and Taichi see her naked in a bath and gets whacked for it, but after it..., not a lot. Mimi and Koushiro care about each other, yep, but it's pretty clear that they have other things to worry about. And what a shame, IMHO. *lol* If they did interact a little more, I'd really give them a whole-hearted thumbs-up, but right now, I just can't. It's a possibility, a cute one, but not the first. 


Jyou-san, when I meant 'NOT UNDER THE TREE', this wasn't what I had in mind... ^^;;;

This is the YAOI part. And it's longer than the other two together. Yaoi is much harder to accept for many people, so I pretty much want to explain this well. 

You homophobics, flee, flee!!

As soon as Digimon Adventure was released, many fans noticed something in the interaction between the characters. To attract not only the child and boy audience, but also the girls (a traditionally important part of the anime fans) the editors and creators of the series slipped in between the Digidestined's relationships some hints that could insinuate a possibility of the Digimon boys being paired with each other. This is what we fangirls call "yaoi hints", 'Yaoi' being the manga/anime sub-genre touching homosexual intercourse: bluntly said, 'boys liking boys'. Even though the main Yaoi couple in the series (and the most popular too) is TaiTo (Taichi/Yamato), this isn't excluyent. Fans have also 'spotted' another Yaoi coupling, second to them: Jyou and Koushiro, aka JyouShiro. 

Does JyouShiro have a basis? Hum, I'd say 'yes'. Jyou and Koushiro are the 'geeks' between the Digidestined, as one is an top student who wants to be a doctor (whether he really wants or does it following his father and older brother, is a different question), and the other is a PC genius who's constantly searching for questions and answers. The two boys may not really interact at first, but they do have a point in common there, maybe leading them to understand each other. 

Other common point is, ironically, Mimi Tachikawa. They both know the girl well, after team-working with her more than once, and care for her. In the JyouShiro fics, Mimi goes usually either one of two ways: or she is an annoyance and goes straight between the two men by falling for one of them - usually Jyou- (though this is less cronic than what happens with Sora in the TaiTo fandom), or she's sorta a guardian angel trying to get them together even if they dun want so. 

In the second half, since the kids are back in Tokyo, we see subliminal 'evidence' that, at this point, Koushiro may be developing AT LEAST, a baby crush on Jyou. He helps the blue-haired teen when they get lost in the subway station, and is the first one who stands up by him when he's bullied by the van's blondie boy. When the guy, who has been giving them a free ride to Odaiba district, blames Jyou for 'staining' his van (it was Koromon who pooed ^_^;;), Koushiro tries to stop the guy himself and gets thrown in the river, Motimon's digievolution into Tentomon and Gomamon's into Ikkakumon being the only thing that save him. We all know that Kou-kun is usually serious and tries not to fight physically before reasoning or having a strategy, so what he has done is, in fangirls's eyes, kinda... hum... 'suspiscious' to say at least. 

And there's the infamous phrase, in the Japanese and English dubs at least (it got lost in the Spanish dubs I've seen...): 

Jyou: Shut up! I wanna listen to him! I love Izzy... Izzy's theories!!

It may be a mis-interpetation, or us being perverts like some have accused us, but it sounded soooo funny!! I swear it did in Japanese (I heard that bit, thanks to a friend's SAP-system TV)! 

The strongest JyouShiro hint in the whole series is placed right at the end of the Dark Masters saga. Piedmon was pursuing Jyou, Koushiro, Takeru, Sora and Hikari with their Digimons (WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Taichi and Yamato were already captured turned in to keychains) though the whole chambers of his castle. At one point the kids were forced to pass across a sorta bottomless pit, only using a circus swing. Jyou and Koushiro are supposed to be the last after they've tossed Gomamon out of danger, but then Piedmon catches them, and instead of jumping together with Izzy, Jyou shoves the younger child in the swing away to save him, and is caught.  


Koushiro: "Jyou-san! Noooooo! Jyou-saaaan!!". 

Just after it, Koushiro himself is trapped; and the keychain he's turned into, has tears in its eyes too! In the Spanish version, Piedmon sarcastically said before putting it together with the Jyou keychain... 

Piedmon: Ow, poor thing, even being a keychain it has tears in its eyes 'coz it feels alone... Well, you won't have a reason to, for you'll have your friend's company in less than a while! 

(LITERAL translation from the Spanish version for LatinAmerica by Intertrack, if you wonder. I'm NOT inventing, not like OTHERS. I know this wasn't kept in the USA version).  

If Piedmon-sama says so, so be it! J/K. 

But seriously talking, JyouShiro is an excellent possibility. I've been a Yaoi fan for 2 years to this point, so the fangirl instinct never dies, and with Digimon it has activated to such a point, that I've made some analyses of the series that have scared Mina-sempai herself (she's a Yaoi fan from at least 4 years, mah!). And with TaiTo being the fav of too many people, I've turned to JyouShiro in the Yaoi Digiworld. It's only a matter of taste, and not meaning that I'm less attracted by JyouMi or MiShiro... I just happen to be quite open-minded and imaginative, and like to swing my tastes in many, many ways! *insane giggles*. 


Days are gone, but my love lives on
in this space and time.
I remember playing the games, funny nicknames
and all the sunny days, that shine so brightly.

I keep remembering when we
started together as friends.
I keep remembering when we...
we were together forever.

(From the song 'I remember when', by The New Kids on the Block).

WHO are you blushing for, Jyou?

Go to the second part of "The Capriscious Road of First Love": 'The Miyako Corner'.

Go to the third part of "The Capriscious Road of First Love": 'The Roulette of School Loves'.

Go back to Main!